Bernard of Offida

Saint Bernard of Offida
Born 7 November 1604
Died 22 August 1694
Honored in Roman Catholicism
Beatified 25 May 1795, Rome by Pope Pius VI
Feast August 22

Saint Bernard of Offida (7 November 1604 – 22 August 1694) was a Catholic saint, born in Villa d'Appignano, near Offida in the Italian Marche.[1] As a child he was a shepherd.[2] As an adult he mostly lived at the Capuchin friary in Offida and devoted himself to helping the poor. He was at Fermo for a short stint.[3] After he was beatified by Pope Pius VI, Joseph Haydn wrote a mass in his honor, the Missa sancti Bernardi von Offida.[4]


  1. ^ Carmelo Randello
  2. ^ Delaney (2005) p. 93
  3. ^ Walsh (2007) p. 97
  4. ^ Heartz (2009) p. 560

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